Sun Valley Nova Scotia is located in the greater Halifax area. We are perfectly located to provide installation services across the full province. Contact us today to order your new greenhouse!
The Billtown
6ft x 6ft
The Bras d’Or
6ft x 8ft
The Portuguese Cove
6ft x 10ft
The Hubbards
6ft x 12ft
The Fall River
8ft x 8ft
The Glooscap
8ft x 10ft
The Digby
8ft x 12ft
The Cape Breton
8ft x 14ft
The Annapolis Royal
8ft x 16ft
The Berwick
8ft x 18ft
The Lunenburg
8ft x 20ft
The Yarmouth
8ft x 22ft
The Kentville
8ft x 24ft
Sun Valley Greenhouses
Nova Scotia
Scott Wilson
Kim Wilson